Leicester Church of Christ

Churches of Christ have existed in Leicester since 1858, when a group of men first gathered in the upper rooms of 38 Charles Street under the call of James and Thomas Leaversley who had moved to the city from Mountsorrel.

They opened their first building in Crafton Street in 1865, which at its peak numbered over 400 members including Mayor Sir Jonathan North.

Other churches sprang up as below, no doubt supported by the strong non-conformist and labour traditions of a very industrial city such as Leicester.

Crafton Street Church of Christ, Leicester, 1950’s, prior to demolition under area slum clearance scheme

Churches of Christ in Leicester (by chronological order)


Crafton Street

First services held in room in Charles Street and in Temperance Hall 1858 before church opened 1865 (more)


York Street

Building was a former Methodist chapel, and subsequently became a Baptist mission. Road later named York Road.


Andrewes Street

Started in King Richard’s Road School in 1880 before church building seating 220 people opened in Andrewes Street in 1882. Building suffered bomb damage in 1940 and services then held in church room and Shaftesbury Road School until 1950, when the church moved to a new building in Gooding Avenue, Braunstone. 


Canal Street

TOpened on Easter Tuesday 1887 as a single storey building. A fire in the
adjacent factory badly damoged the church and it was rebuilt into its two
storey form in 1892. Transferred to United Reformed Church in 1981. The building has subsequently been demolished with the site being taken into that for South Leicestershire College in 2010. (more)


Argyle Street

Started in a room in Cranbourne Street in 1894 before church opened c1896. Closed on opening of Harrison Road in 1922


Melbourne Road

Started by Crafton Street with services in Bridge Road School 1890 before church opened 1895. Amalgamated with Evington Road 1980. Subseqently a Hindu Temple.


Walnut Street

Started by Andrewes Street 1907


Evington Road

Started by Melbourne Road in ‘iron church’ 1908. ‘Iron church’ moved to Dore Road (to form Park Vale Adult School mission) 1924 and services held there until 1925. Services held in new school room on site 1925-27. New church opened 1927. Joined by Melbourne Road in 1980. Joined United Reformed Church in 1981, and closed in 2013 (more)


Laburnum Road

Joined URC in 1981 and subsequently became the Laburnum Road Community Church in 2007


Harrison Road

Opened following closure of Argyle Street 1922. Subsequently a Baptist Chapel 1971.


Saffron Lane

First services held in local barn 1930-1931. Joined URC in 1981.


Bodnant Avenue

Homeway Church of Christ. Branched from Melbourne Road church in 1937. Former school. Subsequently Seventh Day adventist and Wesley Holiness church.


Gooding Avenue

Opened in temporary church (removed 2004) following closure of Andrewes Street in 1950. New church built at front 1960. Transferred to United Reformed Church in 1981.


Rosemead Drive

Built when a new estate was established with land allocated for a church. The land was purchased by the Evington Road church. Baptistry was added in 1977. Transferred to United Reformed Church in 1981.


Junction Road

Formed by members of the Rosemead Drive Church of Christ who opposed the merger with the URC. Initially they met in the home of their minister Rev Alan Robinson until they bought a property in Junction Road in 1982. They later outgrew this property, and sold it and moved to a new property in Central Avenue. (more)


Central Avenue

Purchased by Junction Road Church of Christ when they outgrew their previous building. (more)


Sanvey Lane

Started at Newfoundpool Centre in 2014, and moved to Sanvey Lane in 2023 after growing to over 70 members.

former Gooding Avenue Church of Christ

former Saffron Lane Church of Christ

former York Street Church of Christ

former Laburnum Road Church of Christ

former Central Avenue Christian Chuch
former Canal Street South Church of Christ
former Evington Road Church of Christ
former Rosemead Drive Church of Christ