Leicester Church of Christ

Evington Road Church of Christ (1909-1981)

This building is described by Leicester’s 2016 Local Heritage Asset Register as:

“A good example of an early-20th century former Church of Christ. Built circa 1924 to the designs of architects G. Lawton Brown and Percy C. Jones, the church makes good use of brindle mix brickwork and a prominent 3-storey corner tower that has a strong presence within the street scene. With its William Morris touches, it is more appealing than most churches of this period.”

The Register entry ends: “The church replaced a temporary corrugated iron church, erected in 1908.”

Framed photos of 41 images of individuals who served in the Forces during the Second World War (1939-45).

Held at All Saints Church, Highcross Street, LE1 4PH

Served and returned: 39.  Died: 2

There is also a memorial plaque commemorating Keith Carter and Harry Hopkins being the two members of the church who died during that war.

Keith Carter was a Sergeant (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner) 1164195, in 150 Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve and died on 20th October 1941. He is buried in a joint grave in Durnbach War Cemetery, Bayern, Germany, his inscription saying with pride the Royal Air Force motto – “Per Ardua ad Astra”.

Harry Hopkins was a Flight Lieutenant 65997, in 158 Squadron Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. In 1944, he was stationed at RAF Lissett in East Yorkshire. Harry joined the squadron on 11 July 1944 and on the afternoon of Friday, 14 July 1944 he was the pilot of a Halifax bomber (HX338) taking part in a training mission. At 19h55, the Halifax was abandoned over the south Wales coast in an incident which killed Harry, his flight engineer and the mid-upper gunner.